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Supplies: TI 30XIIS Calculator Notebook for notes Notebook for homework Graph Paper Pencils/Pens Folder for work passed back Grading This is a lecture-style course where students are expected to take notes and complete daily assignments. The teacher will provide several examples for the students to follow and provide time for guided practice during class. The students are expected to complete every assignment, read their text, and review their work on a daily basis. The students should be prepared for quizzes and projects given at the teachers discretion. No late assignments will receive credit. Assignments are graded on a random basis. This is meant to prepare you for college where few if any homework grades are taken. Independent Practice10%Quizzes50%Tests40%Total100% Course work will be weighted as follows: Quarter 1 (or 3)35% Quarter 2 (or 4)35% Exam30% Total100% Semester grades will be weighted as follows: Attendance Policy Students are given two days per day absent to make up work missed while absent. Students should check the calendar of the Canvas website, the Cengage website for assignments, or a fellow student to see what was missed while absent. Videos of all lectures are posted on the Canvas calendar for students to watch. Students are allowed 2 days for each day absent to make up their work, regardless of the type of absence. Tests are announced several days prior to the day of testing, so students who miss the day before a test are still responsible for taking the test if they return the next day. Those who are absent the day of a test will not be given the same test as the others and must make up the test either before or after school, (this includes the morning they return to school) or in another class time, not during math class time. This gives the students multiple opportunities to make up the test. In the case of unexcused absences, a teacher may deduct up to 30% from the earned grade for work made up. Policies and Procedures Students are expected to be on time and prepared for every class. After the first 10 minutes of class, you will be marked as unexcused tardy and have a referral submitted for skipping class. (New School Policy) The student is expected to be in his/her seat when the bell rings and be ready to work. The only electronic devise allowed to be used during class is a calculator. Cell phones are not to be used as calculators. Cell phones and electronic devices are to be put away while entering the classroom unless teacher instructs students to have it out to work on Cengage assignments. It is the students responsibility to find what they missed if/when they are absent. The only time a student is allowed to sleep or lay their head down in class is after a quiz or test. If the student is too ill to sit up and participate, they will be given a pass to the clinic. No food or drink other than water is allowed in the classroom. Foul language is not permitted in the halls or the classroom. Restroom passes are given as needed. Students are expected to not abuse this. Student is expected to leave phone in the classroom when they go. In case a student cannot attend their given class time, students are allowed to attend any period of the day that this class is given. If a student is absent, they are allowed to facetime in to class to hear the lecture and ask questions if they feel up to it. Students are provided with the instructors personal cell number to text in the evenings before 8:30 pm if they would like to ask for help with given homework problems. Very important announcements are texted through the Remind App. Student is responsible for checking that regularly and if an announcement is missed, the student is responsible, not the instructor. Adaptations must be made so that all announcements are received. Course Objectives The students will demonstrate proficiency of basic trigonometric concepts. The students will demonstrate a proficiency of relations, functions, and polynomials through graphing, solving, and applying the rules to real-world problems. The students will demonstrate a proficiency of rational and radical expressions and equations by solving real-world problems. The students will use the rules of compound and simple interest to calculate the future value of a given amount of money. The students will demonstrate an understanding of skills and strategies necessary for college entrance in and completion of mathematics courses for credit. Course Description Per Florida CPalms This course is targeted for students whoare not yet college ready in mathematics or simply need some additional instruction in content to prepare them for success in college level mathematics. This course incorporates the Florida Standards for Mathematical Practices as well as the following Florida Standards for Mathematical Content: Expressions and Equations, The Number System, Functions, Algebra, Geometry, Number and Quantity, Statistics and Probability, and the Florida Standards for High School Modeling. The standards align with the Mathematics Postsecondary Readiness Competencies deemed necessary for entry-level college courses. Course Outline First Semester The first semester will be spent studying basic trigonometry, real numbers and systems of equations, algebraic expressions, equations, inequalities, and systems of equations. Graphs and functions will be a large part of the semesters focus. All of these topics will be applied to real-world problems. Time will be set aside at the end of the second quarter to review for the mid-term exam. Second Semester The student will start the second semester with a study of rational exponents, radicals, and complex numbers. Topics will include simplifying, working with complex numbers, and rationalizing denominators. The next few weeks will be spent studying quadratic equations and functions. This section includes completing the square, quadratic formula, and graphing. Next, if there is time, we move on to a study of exponential and logarithmic functions. The work includes inverse functions, properties of logarithms, and applications. Time will be dedicated to the review and taking of the final exam. Throughout the year, information will be provided about applying to colleges, financial aid, standardized test information, and developing short and long term goals. The students will learn about college requirements, course work, and how to choose the better course of study for themselves. The instructor will also focus on vocabulary needed to better understand mathematics, and how the mathematical definition can relate to other courses. The student will also learn to access background knowledge and apply it to new topics. This is a tentative schedule of study. Additions, deletions, or adjustments will be made at the instructors discretion. "$%+,-9:^`afijrs , - 1 2 ; H [   1 2 @ M W d żҵ汱晱摊~h:h"\hj5 h"\hjh*Th|v5h^ h"\h|JC h*T5hh|v5hL h"\hh|vhE60J h60J h*ThE6jhE6UhE6hh6 h"\h|v hL5 hr5h"\h|v51",-a  2 " > ? G $&#$/Ifgdvs ^`gdJagdz}agdjgd*Tgd|v$a$gd|v " ; R S U X ] n p 8 9 : = > ? 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